NMG strives to find and successfully treat medical conditions before they become serious enough to require hospitalization or emergency treatment. We provide health services equally to all individuals irrespective of their gender, age, caste, color and social class for reducing exclusion and organizing health services around people’s needs and expectations, integrating health into all sectors. The PHCPP has a trained nurse during its working hours; attends to minor injuries and routine dressings and also, strengthening the ability of disadvantaged groups to aid themselves to recover their livelihoods and provide information on health issues like awareness, family planning, sanitation and hygiene etc. It also offers cash support to the chronic patient who has truly need of for further treatment and restore to health in a big hospital.
- Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health
- Family Planning
- Women’s Health
- Maternal, Newborn and Child Health
- Personal and menstrual hygiene
- Nutrition
- Health system strengthening